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From the must have toy scams on Craigslist to fake Santa Charities, holiday scams are around the corner


Discover the Truth about Seasonal Scams

How do you enjoy the snow this time of the year with getting snowed and falling victim to one of the seasonal scams that seem to perpetuate during holiday times? By using the same care and clear thinking that you do all year long you should have no trouble avoiding the scammers that are out to separate you from you hard earned money. Whether you are searching for the latest must have toy at the top of Craigslist, or looking to donate to needy charities, using a little due diligence will protect you throughout this holiday season and throughout the year. Seasonal scams are nothing new; they are just the same old scams wrapped up in pretty bows and packaged to tug at your heartstrings. Stories about needy children, homeless families, and even unwanted pets are meant to pull at your wallet so that you will want to donate. There are even seasonal scams that will target parents in search of that hard to find toy for their children. How do you avoid falling victim?

The Many Faces of Seasonal Scams

Seasonal scams can take on many different faces. Fake Santa charities show up this time of the year in abundance. You want to help out by donating to worthy causes so that others can have a happy holiday. The first rule of thumb is never to donate to people who show up at your doorstep or call you on the phone. Legitimate charities can be found by contacting your local radio station, television station, and even newspaper. Many of these organizations have charities they are involved with that donate to the needy in your city. They also have the resources to guide you in the right direction for the types of charities you want to help.

Toy buying is one of the easiest seasonal scams to fall victim to, and has been featured in numerous holiday movies. Your child wants the latest hard to find toy, and you will go to any lengths to get it for them. By sticking with well-known retailers, you can be assured you will get what you pay for every time. Also, always remember that if a price seems too good to be true, it probably is.

A favorite concert, show, or sporting event is coming up, and you are looking for the best price on tickets. Before falling prey to the types of seasonal scams that promise great tickets at exceptional prices, stop and think for a minute. How could these vendors offer such excellent deals? They can’t – all they can do is create a way to part you from your money.

Seasonal scams are all around all year round. A savvy buyer will always do extra research before parting with their money. Keep an eye out for legitimate deals with trusted retailers and you should have a stress free holiday season.